Jiang Shuo

Beijing , China
Jiang Shuo is a Chinese-born international sculptor who works between her studios in Beijing, China; Berlin, Germany; and Klagenfurt, Austria. Her early bronzes had a folk-like quality hinting at blissful childhood memories and strong family values.  In later life, she turned to more serious topics, such as commercialization and the Cultural Revolution, depicted most notably in her series Red Guards.

Jiang Shuo was among the first women to study sculpture at the Central Academy of Arts & Design (now the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University), Beijing.  She subsequently pursued postgraduate studies under Professor Zheng Ke at the Central Academy of Arts & Design, Beijing, where she was appointed as a lecturer in 1986. After winning a scholarship to a university in Austria in 1989, she emmigrated with her sculptor husband, Wu Shaoxiang to Klagenfurt, where they established a joint studio and joined the Austrian Artist Association.

Since gaining Austrian citizenship in 2003, Jiang returned to China where she witnessed how dramatically Chinese cultural norms had changed since her days as a young member of the Red Guard in the Cultural Revolution. In a series of this same title, anonymous open-mouthed soldiers participate in various and often humorous modern-day activities such as karaoke and eating fast food, probing the viewer to consider materialism, the rise of the bourgeois, and the growth of the capitalistic machine within the context of Chinese history.  

Jiang has widely exhibited her sculptures around the world, including Austria, Indonesia, Singapore, and Switzerland, and her works are included in several major private and museum collections.


1958 Born in Beijing, China

1978-82 Studied sculpture at the Central Academy of Arts & Design (now the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University), Beijing, China

1982-85 Pursued postgraduate studies under Professor Zheng Ke at the Central Academy of Arts & Design, Beijing, China

1987 Appointed as lecturer at the Central Academy of Arts & Design, Beijing, China

1989 Moved to Austria, set up studio and joined the Austrian Artist Association

1993 Acquired Austrian citizenship

1997-98 Built new studio and gallery with Wu Shaoxiang in Klagenfurt, Austria

2006 Set up studio in Beijing, China

2012 Set up studio in Berlin, Germany; live and work between Beijing, Berlin and Austria



  • All Colours Can Be Beautiful, Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Paragon, Singapore


  • Art Stage Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia


  • Invisible Hand, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Linda Art Centre, Beijing, China


  • Red VS Green, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Werner Berger Museum, Bleiberg, Austria
  • Dolls and Masks, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Indonesia National Museum, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dolls and Masks, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Museum of Contemporary Art, Singapore       


  • Going For Money, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Museum of Contemporary Art Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan


  • Image and Concept, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Museum of Contemporary Art, Singapore
  • Sculpture from China, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Marsvinsholms Skulpturpark, Sweden


  • Today’s Red Guards, Solo Exhibition, White8 Gallery, Vienna, Austria


  • Image and Concept, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Indonesia National Museum, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Paradise Fruits, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Art Seasons Lake Zurich Gallery, Switzerland


  • Image and Concept, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Song Zhuang Art Centre, Beijing, China


  • Sculpting, AAI Gallery, Vienna, Austria
  • Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Schloss Wolfsberg, Wolfsberg, Austria


  • Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Gallery Dida, Graz, Austria


  • Solo Exhibition, City Hall, St. Veit, Austria


  • Solo Exhibition, Central Gallery, Graz, Austria


  • Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Gallery Dida, Graz, Austria


  • Solo Exhibition, Europe House, Klagenfurt, Austria


  • Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Gallery Nemenz, Judenberg, Austria


  • Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Gallery Akzent K, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Raiffeisen Bank, Klagenfurt, Austria


  • Solo Exhibition, Central Academy of Arts & Design, Beijing, China



  • Inaugural exhibition, Sculpture Pavilion, Schutz Art Museum, Engelhartszell, Austria




  • Art Hong Kong, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • Salzburg Art and Antique, Palace of Archbishop, Salzburg, Austria
  • Art New York, Pier 94, New York, USA
  • 60 Years of Anniversary of Tsing Hua University Art Academy, Art Museum of Tsing Hua University Art Academy, Beijing, China


  • Salzburg Art Fair, Palace of Archbishop, Salzburg, Austria
  • Art Stage Singapore, Singapore
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • 10 Years of MOCA Singapore, MOCA Singapore, Singapore
  • The Light of City - Sculpture and Installation Exhibition, Shanghai, China
  • 20 Years of Schuetz Art, Vienna, Austria
  • Art Taipei, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan


  • Art Stage Singapore, Singapore
  • Art Taipei, Linda Gallery, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Art Beijing, Linda Gallery, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China


  • Art Taipei, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • Song Zhuang Art Festival Sculpture Exhibition, Song Zhuang Art Centre, Beijing, China


  • Across History II – Invitation of Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, G-Dot Art Space, Beijing, China
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • Art Taipei, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan


  • ART HK, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • Art Taipei, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan
  • SH Contemporary, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China


  • China International Gallery Exposition, China World Trade Centre, Beijing, China
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • Greating with Their Heart and Blood, Linda Art Centre, Beijing, China
  • ART HK, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
  • ART Singapore, SUNTEC Singapore, Singapore
  • SH Contemporary, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China
  • Art Taipei, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan


  • East Meets West, White8 Gallery, Villach, Austria
  • ViennaFair, White8 Gallery, Messe Wien, Vienna, Austria
  • China International Gallery Exposition, China World Trade Centre, Beijing, China
  • ART Santa Fe, El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
  • ART Singapore, SUNTEC Singapore, Singapore


  • Asian Contemporary Art Fair, Pier 92, New York, USA
  • Art Taipei, Taipei International Convention Centre, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Art Beijing, Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China
  • ART Singapore, SUNTEC Singapore, Singapore
  • Art International Zurich, Art Seasons Lake Zurich Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland


  • China International Gallery Exposition, China World Trade Centre, Beijing, China
  • ART Singapore, SUNTEC Singapore, Singapore


  • China International Gallery Exposition, China World Trade Centre, Beijing, China
  • ART Singapore, SUNTEC Singapore, Singapore
  • 2nd International Biennial of Contemporary Art Austria, Hüttenberg Exhibition Centre, Austria


  • International Asian Art Fair, the Seventh Regiment Armory, New York, USA


  • International Asian Art Fair, the Seventh Regiment Armoury, New York, USA


  • 1st International Biennial of Contemporary Art Austria, Hüttenberg Exhibition Centre, Austria


  • Hundred Years of Chinese Art, China Guardian Auctions, Beijing, China


  • Salzburg Art Fair, Salzburg, Austria


  • International Contemporary Art Fair, Palace Degli Affari, Florence, Italy


  • Group Exhibition, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong


  • Exhibition by the Austrian Art Association, City Gallery, Klagenfurt, Austria


  • Joint Exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Gallery Nemenz, Judenberg, Austria
  • The Spirit of Times, Gallery Hinteregger, St. Pölten, Austria


  • International Art Exhibition, Stadtgarten Gallery, Norden, Germany
  • Group Exhibition, International Art Centre, Velden, Austria


  • China National Exhibition of Fine Arts, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


  • Today's Fine Arts in China, Toronto Exhibition Hall, Canada
  • Traditional and Modern Sculptures, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


  • Photo Exhibition of Prize-Winning Sculptures, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


  • 1st National Urban Sculpture Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


  • Central Academy of Arts & Design Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


Werner Berger Museum, Bleiberg, Austria

St Margareten City, Austria

Kärntner Landes Versicherung, Austria

Castle Pakein

County Attendant Centre, Moosburg, Austria

Evolution Club, Ferlach, Austria

Köck Villa, Velden, Austria

Swiss Bank

Copelouzos Art Museum, Athens, Greece 

Hai Cheng Art Museum, China

Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China

Mi Yun Power Supply Bureau, Beijing, China

Binghe Garden, Beijing, China

Qiaotou Square, Luzhou, China

Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong

MTR Corporation Limited, Hong Kong

Langham Place Hotel, Hong Kong

New World Development Company Limited, Hong Kong

2015    Great Jump, Werner Berger Museum, Bleiberg, Austria
2012    Narcissus, Art Collection of Castle Pakein
2011    Dancing, Copelouzos Art Museum, Athens, Greece 
2010    Advance, Si Yuan Tang Art Collection, Hong Kong
2009    Bauhinia Rider, MTR Corporation Limited, Hong Kong
2007    Cat Rider, Hai Cheng Art Museum, China
2006    Lion Rider, Hong Kong Museum of Art
Red Guards – Love, Red Guard – Relaxation, The Art Collection of Swiss Bank
Paradise Bird, Art Collection of Castle Pakein
2005    Red Guards – Red Ocean, Red Guard – On the Sea of Business 2, Hong Kong Museum of Art
2004    Red Guards- Going Forward! Making Money!, Langham Place Hotel, Hong Kong
2000    Christ, St Margareten City, Austria
1996   Ancient Vase, New World Development Company Limited, Hong Kong
Enjoyable Life, collaboration with Wu Shaoxiang, County Attendant Centre, Moosburg, Austria
1995    Skulptur für Kärntner Landes Versicherung, Austria
1993    Designed trophies for the Evolution Club, Ferlach, Austria
1992    Hand (Fountain), collaboration with Wu Shaoxiang, Köck Villa, Velden, Austria
1991    Designed trophies for “Advertising Award 1991”, Antenne Austria, Austria
1989    Designed award trophies for The Chinese Film Festival, Beijing, China
Fisherman, Mi Yun Power Supply Bureau, Beijing, China
1988    Designed trophies for “Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurs in China”
1987    Summer was named as one of the best city sculptures in China
Spirit of the Drunken City, 10-Meters high, Qiaotou Square, Luzhou, China
1984    Designed Film Award trophies for Ministry of Culture, People's Republic of China
Summer, Binghe Garden, Beijing, China
The Sea of Knowledge, The Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China
1983    Designed Film Award trophies for Ministry of Culture, China
1982    Designed Film Award trophies for Ministry of Culture, China


2015    Invisible Hand, Linda Art Centre Beijing, 798, China
2014    Wu Shaoxiang und Jiang Shuo, Indonesia National Museum and Linda Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia
2013    Camouflage, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong
2012    Going for Money, Museum of Contemporary Art Taiwan
2011    Red Cat, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong
2010    Jiang Shuo & Wu Shaoxiang, MOCA Singapore
2009    Cloud Riders, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong
2008    Jiang Shuo and Wu Shaoxiang, Indonesia National Museum and Linda Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fruits of Paradise, Art Seasons Lake Zurich Gallery, Switzerland
2007   The Monument of Time, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong
Image and Concept, Song Zhuang Art Centre Beijing, China
2006    Chase, Linda Gallery, Singapore, and Indonesia
2005    Red Guards Today, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong, and New York, USA
2003    Red Guards, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong, and New York, USA
2000    Jiang Shuo Sculpture, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, China
1991    Selected Works by Jiang Shuo, Bauer Publishing House, Austria
1989    Sculpture, People's Liberation Army Publishing House, Beijing, China
1987    Sculpting Skills, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Beijing, China

More on the Artist