MOUNTAINSCAPES — New Ink Art by Wang Tiande

Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Past 2014-04-03 - 2014-05-03

For the first time, Alisan Fine Arts will be participating in “Asian Art HK” organized by Orientations Magazine. For this special event, we are honoured to present internationally acclaimed Shanghai artist, Wang Tiande.

Wang, an innovative avant-garde ink painter and scholar, was born in 1960 and graduated from the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou in 1988. Well versed in traditional Chinese culture, he continuously searches for the infinite possibilities in the realm of ink painting.

His most groundbreaking creation—Chinese ink with burn marks on layered rice paper—transforms traditional landscape images into a new and exciting realm. His works successfully reflect the revolutionary changes that have taken place in contemporary Chinese ink art over the past two decades, and have been recognized by the international art world.

His works are currently on show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York as part of “Ink Art: Past as Present in Contemporary China.” This is the second time his works have been included in a show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The first time being in “Brush and Ink: The Chinese Art of Writing” exhibition in Sept 2006 to Jan 2007.

The exhibition consists of a dozen of his most recent works especially produced for this show. They include vertical works that are tall and narrow panels, a horizontal work that is long and narrow in format, similar to a hand scroll, and some album leaves, all focusing on the subject of landscape.

Instead of using two layers of rice paper as in the past, Wang, in his latest works, has incorporated three layers of rice paper. The landscape on the top layer is “painted” with a stick of incense instead of ink and brush, revealing glimpses of the real ink landscape and calligraphy from the other two layers underneath.

By carefully burning the contour and shades of mountains, trees, the digital inscription, and combining the stele rubbings of Qing Dynasty, the artist reveals his talent and training in Chinese traditional landscape painting. Thus, the unique burnt landscapes stand out with their distinctive quality.

Participating in: Asian Art Hong Kong

More on the Artist(s)